This page contains forms, documents, reference sheets, and other media to get you started.
Forms & Waivers
LWRC Waiver & Float Test Form
The LWRC Waiver is required if you row, coach, cox, or use the gym at LWRC. This forms must be filled out by all new members, current members, guest rowers and participants of Learn to Row classes. Click on the icon to fill out the form electronically; you will receive an copy emailed back to you.
The float test form is required if you row, coach, or cox at LWRC. The form includes a list of pools where you can complete your float test. It needs to be signed by an authorized life guard after you complete float test at a local pool or beach. If you have completed a float test previously you may upload that document in lieu of the LWRC form.
Please upload completed documents to your MindBody Documents Page.
LWRC Waiver
LWRC Flip Test Waiver
LWRC requires all members who row independently (i.e., without a coach) to complete a flip test. Members who join during cold-weather months may, as a temporary waiver, submit proof of a flip test completed elsewhere or submit the flip test waiver attesting to successful completion of a flip test. Members who use a flip test waiver must take an LWRC-administered flip test once the opportunity to do so is available.
LWRC Boat Storage Contract
This form is required if you store your own private boat in any of the LWRC boathouses. Please click on the PDF icon to download, fill out, and upload to your MindBody Documents Page or submit to the office.
LWRC Agreement and Release for Borrowing and Transporting Club Equipment
This form must be completed annually by anyone borrowing club equipment for transportation on their own or another member's personal vehicle. Please click on the icon to fill out the form electronically; you will receive an emailed copy that should be uploaded to your MindBody Documents Page or emailed to the LWRC Operations Manager.
Boat Borrowing and Transportation Agreement