Governor Inslee has declared easing of outdoor activities and has allowed for boating. LWRC adheres to all Washington State safety guidelines and has developed a plan for a partial reopen, with State Guidelines in place. We have new operating procedures until we can return to normal operations. Review the New LWRC Rowing Operating Procedures.
We are open by appointment only to LWRC members for the independent use of singles, doubles and pairs.
If you would like to join LWRC and you are an experienced 1x rower, please Contact LWRC. The club has over 30 singles from racing to open water. We also have 17 club doubles that can be rowed by quarantine partners.
If you own a single and want to arrange storage, we have space available. Contact LWRC.
We are open 5 mornings a week and 2 evenings a week. Monitors are on site during open hours to insure safe distancing and adherence to our safety protocols.
All rowers must make an appointment to row during open hours using our online MindBody app.